Country in Asia:
Nepal is a Himalayan Asian country. It is landlocked country. It is bordered by China from north and by India from east, west and south.
It’s Capital:

Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal and it is the largest city of Nepal. It is also known as ‘The City of Temples’. City has population of approximately 1 million people. It is situated on the elevation of 1400 meters. Here is also the Headquarter of ‘South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC).
Birth Place of the ‘Lord Buddha’:
Nepal is the birth place of ‘Lord Buddha’. Buddha was born in Lumbini a place in southern Nepal.
Only 28 km of Railway line:
Yeah, it’s true that Nepal has only 28 km of railway line. Railway service in Nepal had started in 1927 but till date it is being operated only from Jayanagar (India) to Janakpur in Nepal.
No any Independence Day in Nepal:
Most of the country of the world celebrate their Independence Day as they had been colonized by other countries but Nepal has no any Independence Day because it had never been occupied by any other country.
World’s most Unique National Flag:
Nepal own world’s most unique National Flag as its shape is different from flag of all the countries of the world. It is shaped as double triangle unlike to quadrilateral shape of other countries flags. The flag has picture of half moon and sun that represents the most popular religion Hinduism and Buddhism of the Nepal. It is also said that it shape represent the Himalaya.
Saturday is Weekly Holiday:
Yeah, its true unlike to most of the countries of the world Nepal has weekly holiday on Saturday.
Lack of Water, Electricity and Internet:
In Modern world Internet has become a basic need in daily human life and without Internet every person’s life is not normal but the Nepalese are facing a big challenge of having Water, Electricity and Internet. There is a big shortage of Internet as well as Water and Electricity in Nepal.
Volleyball is National Sport:
Volleyball is the National Sport of the country. Besides this, Nepal has an International Cricket team also which is in its initials period.
It is the home world’s Highest Mountain peak:

Nepal is the home of most of the world’s highest mountain peaks including Mount Everest. Mount Everest is known as ‘Sagarmatha’ in Nepal.